Ruskin Bond - A Man of Imagination

  • Anchal Bhutani


The name Ruskin Bond is a renowned writer, or a profound storyteller is synonymous to love, nature, and mountains. The article will give a glimpse of his journey and his literary works. According to psychoanalysis, a writer's work is a reflection of his/her life and the surrounding; Bond is no different. His writing has a significant influence on his life and the place where he was brought up. He is famous for writing short stories for children, and the paper is going to discuss his contribution to children's literature. The paper is going to shed light on the writing style, his simplistic approach, and finding resurrection in the life of children.

The writer took a holistic approach while describing a place, a season, or a person, or even the Indian God. While he is presenting a conflicting persona, he also mentioned the origin of the character. His writing style consists of irony, humor, and metaphor that can easily make a write-up engaging to the readers. The paper also will try to give an idea about the adaptation of his literary work in Bollywood films. Lastly, it is also going to discuss how to incorporate Indian culture in his writings.

Keywords: Ruskin Bond, Indian English literature, Indian writing in English, Bollywood films.


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Author Biography

Anchal Bhutani

Anchal Bhutani has received her bachelor's degree in B. Com (Honors) from Gargi College, Delhi University and Masters in English from MGSU, Bikaner. She has qualified MH-SLET/ SET (Maharashtra). She has worked as a Teaching Associate with Raffles University and as a Content Writer for Zomato.


1. Bond, Ruskin. A Flight of Pigeons. New Delhi: India Penguin, 2007.
2. Bond, Ruskin. Collected Short Stories. New Delhi: India Penguin, 2016.
3. Bond, Ruskin. The Night Train at Deoli and Other Stories. New Delhi: India Penguin, 2016.
4. Bond, Ruskin. The Room on the Roof. New Delhi: India Penguin, 2014.
5. Bond, Ruskin. Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra. New Delhi: India Penguin, 2011.
How to Cite
Bhutani, A. “Ruskin Bond - A Man of Imagination”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 8, no. 3, Aug. 2021, pp. 1-8,
Research Papers