À la carte, Liquid lights

  • Srinivas S
Keywords: online English poetry journal, UGC approved journal, Peer reviewed literary journal, High impact factor journal


À la carte and Liquid lights are poems by Srinivas S.


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Author Biography

Srinivas S

A theoretical linguist by training and an English teacher by accident, Srinivas S currently works at the SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India. Some of his poems have appeared with The Criterion, Indian Review, Spark Magazine (India), Amethyst Review, Literary Yard and Contemporary Literature Review India.

How to Cite
S, S. “À La Carte, Liquid Lights”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 7, no. 1, Feb. 2020, pp. 212-6, https://mail.literaryjournal.in/index.php/clri/article/view/503.