Tender-hearted Congratulations

  • Ndaba Sibanda
Keywords: literary journals India, online English poetry journal, UGC approved journal, High impact factor journal, Peer reviewed literary journal


Tender-hearted Congratulations poeam by Ndaba Sibanda


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Author Biography

Ndaba Sibanda

Ndaba Sibanda has lived in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Ndaba’s poems, essays and short stories have featured in various journals and magazines such as The Piker Press, Bricolage, The Dying Goose, Whispering Prairie Press, Saraba Magazine, allAfrica.com, Jungle Jim, Outside In Literary & Travel Magazine, The Metric, Unlikely Stories, Santa Fe Writers Project - SFWP Journal, Elohi Gadugi Journal, The Subterranean Quarterly, Miracle , Red Bird Chapbooks ,The Joker, Florida Flash, Fjords Review, storySouth, Annapurna Magazine, Festival Of Language, quiet Shorts, The African Street Writer, Poetry Potion.com, Books Live , Whispers, Sweater Weather, Poetrysoup , Silver Birch Press. Sibanda has got twenty-six books published.

Ndaba Sibanda has also contributed to the following literary projects: It`s Time, Free Fall and Windows In The Sky. He is the author of Love O`clock and The Dead Must Be Sobbing. He has co-authored more than twenty-five published books.

How to Cite
Sibanda, N. “Tender-Hearted Congratulations”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 4, no. 1, Feb. 2017, pp. 123-4, https://mail.literaryjournal.in/index.php/clri/article/view/339.