The Portrait of an Outsider

  • Anusree Ganguly
Keywords: literary journals India, online English research journal, research papers publisher, UGC approved journal, High impact factor journal, Peer reviewed literary journal


The 1957 Literature Nobel Prize winner, Albert Camus’ The Outsider is an experiment in "obstinate honesty and logic", as Camus himself describes the book that establishes the Truth of the Absurd. The Truth of the Absurd explores "conscious death" for the Absurd Man who will be, at first, acutely conscious to unhappiness from missing Liberty and Truth in Life for he feels that there is nothing – let alone the little goals we set for ourselves in Life, and happiness therefrom – that cannot be made defunct by the ineluctable reality of Death. He will detach from this moral framework, murder to reset the existing framework to start from nothing, feel the agony of imprisonment and soon to be guillotined, know hope of living a second time – whatever little is left of it – and, be happy in spite of death approaching, and thereby, re-establish the moral framework on its pillars of Truth and Liberty. The significant here is to challenge death by searching for happiness, in spite of death. Ignorance implies happiness bypassing death.

key words : Albert Camus The Outsider Secular Humanism The Myth of Sisyphus Zur Genealogie der Moral


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Author Biography

Anusree Ganguly

Anusree Ganguly is an essayist, a poet, a fiction writer and a translator with publications in some of the major journals and dailies of India including Indian Literature (Sahitya Akademi), The Statesman, The Poetry Society of India (Soulful Whispers) and elsewhere. She is also, by profession, a writer and editor of technical documents for an IT firm based in Kolkata.

How to Cite
Ganguly, A. “The Portrait of an Outsider”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 4, no. 2, May 2017, pp. 14-29,
Research Papers