The Divine Messenger, Ghazal

  • Ronny Noor The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Keywords: online English poetry journal, UGC approved journal, High impact factor journal, Ronny Noor, The Divine Messenger, Ghazal


The Divine Messenger and Ghazal are poems by Ronny Noor.


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Author Biography

Ronny Noor, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA

Ronny Noor is an English professor at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, U.S.A. An award-winning teacher, his poems, essays, and stories have appeared in journals and newspapers such as The Toronto Review, South Asian Review, Taj Mahal Review, Commonwealth Novel in English, Kokako, paper wasp, FreeXpreSion, World Haiku Review, The Weekend Independent, The Daily Star, and Contemporary Literary Review India.

He is also the author of Snake Dance in Berlin (a novel), Slice of Heaven and Other Essays (a collection), and Where Heaven Spreads Wide & Other Stories (Leaf Press, India).

How to Cite
Noor, R. “The Divine Messenger, Ghazal”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 6, no. 1, Feb. 2019, pp. 171-4,