A Post-Colonial Interpretation to Reach Hybrid culture – The English Teacher a Study
This article focuses on the post-colonial treatment and social sprit of the novel The English Teacher. Post colonialism seeks to understand how oppression, resistance and adaptation have occurred during colonial rule. This means that post-colonialism analyses specific strategies of power, domination, hegemony and oppression utilized by the colonizer in the colony. This includes a vast spectrum of issues as art, architecture, economics, political philosophy and their legal manifestation e.g. courts, laws, psychological states, medical and scientific apparatus, the education system and civil codes, all of which embody , in some form or other, colonial ideology. Post-colonialism also seeks to understand how the colonized reacted to, adapted or resisted to this structure of domination. Colonial rule plays a main role in The English Teacher as well. The name of the novel itself signifies the influence of the unwelcome British rule.
Post-colonialism, legal manifestation, political philosophy, colonial ideology, scientific apparatus.
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