Wuthering Heights

A Critical Probe in the View of the Present Times

  • Suryendu Chanda Chaudhury student
Keywords: Wuthering Heights, socio-economic, psychological, life, society, cruelty, symbolic, present


“Wuthering Heights” has intrigued the critics since its inception, even in the third decade of the 21st Century the novel still holds importance. Apart from its socio economic and psychological aspects, which have mostly been discussed upon, the novel is relevant in the context of life itself as can be perceived in the present situation. Although the plot seems to dwell on the personal problems involving two families and a stranger (Heathcliff), its reflective of the less spoken matters of life and society as well. The cruelty is indeed symbolic; the characters though bearing symbolic and allusive significance appear to be flesh and blood at least in the present context of time.



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Author Biography

Suryendu Chanda Chaudhury, student

Suryendu Chanda Chaudhury has qualified for NET and is pursuing MA in English (from English Dept. at the University of Calcutta.


1. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. Print.
2. Hayley, R. Mitchell., ed. Readings on Wuthering Heights.San Diego, USA: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Print.
3. Stoneman, Patsy., ed. Wuthering Heights( New Casebooks), Basingstoke, London: Macmillan Press Ltd, 1993. Print.
4. https://www.cliffnotes.com
5. https://literariness.org
6. https://www.criticalbuzzz.co.in
7. https://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu
8. https://literarydevices.net
How to Cite
Chaudhury, S. C. “Wuthering Heights”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 10, no. 4, Jan. 2024, pp. 105-21, https://mail.literaryjournal.in/index.php/clri/article/view/1074.
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