Contemporary Literary Review India | eISSN 2394-6075 | Vol 5, No 2: CLRI May 2018
Book Review on I Had Also Loved Someone: When Love transforms into Gang-Rape
I Had Also Loved Someone** is a tragic love story of a gang-rape victim covered in bloodbath. Even though the heart-rending pain after being the victim of such a heinous crime can never be even assessed but its’ the beauty of story which has compelled us to feel the agony
Even though a lot has been written in the crime genre but the book still holds its credibility as the writer has penned down the theme of mutual gang-rape which has the potential to keep the readers hooked up from the beginning itself. If the writer has enthralled us through cute one-liners during the romance of the protagonist he has left a rage of revenge in the latter half. The book has submerged us into an ocean of lovely emotions and the devilish thought-process of serial killings at the same time.
The writing style has been very classy with the use of foreign words considering the education background of the protagonist. The flow of the story has been lucid in nature. The tenacity of the protagonist not to let her love to be labelled as Judas Kiss till the end has been depicted very well sketched.
About The Novel
The story revolves around two prominent characters Niharika Ahuja and Jasmine Backefield who are not only best friends but are advertised as “Deadly Duo” as time flew. Like every other girls Niharika fall in love with a guy but her decision to present her virginity as a birthday gift turns into a mutual gang-rape. Her coming over this trauma and punishing those salacious scoundrels takes us into a merciless brutal chain of murders.
Plotting of Story
Starting with the tenacity of joining a B-School by Niharika, it very beautifully describes the thought-process of a teen while falling in love for the first time. The use of various one-liners while she is in love gives us a different sense of ecstasy. While in the second part after returning from the asylum various questions raised by her on the authenticity of the piousness of this so-called love forces us to think on a deeper note. The twists and turns through the whole story makes it unpredictable till the end.
What Makes It Must Read??
The amalgamation of romance alongwith the portrayal of the disastrousness of such a heinous crime like gang-rape without losing the entertainment quotient makes it a Must Read
About The Author
Nitish Raj, an MBA dropout, is one of the literary figures who made a niche for himself before placing his foot in the world of fiction. Before publishing his debut novel “I Had Also Loved Someone” he made his name as a columnist. Apart from being a columnist with The Policy Times, he has experimented with a lot of other attributes as a feminist, orator, literary critic, blogger, movie critic and anchor. His literary reviews have been published in some reputed literary magazines like eFiction India.
He is going to publish his second novel Just Sex-The Bloody Revenge a tale depicting the horrifying plight of sexual abuse of children.
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