Contemporary Literary Review India | eISSN 2394-6075 | Vol 6, No 4: CLRI November 2019
Poem by O. Alisha
Insane Bard
More time to stand and stare
Lovely lunatic loaded with mysterious
The need for something, but
gain nothing,
What I need…
Neither happiness nor sorrows.
I need something, something
from you, from her, from them, from the whole universe
The pity soul,
Not get something,
sometime nothing, sometimes anything.
No more darkness,
No more arguments,
No more tears,
No more emptiness.
Sinking inside myself
Begin to search,
Move into myself,
in the oceans of thoughts,
desires, dreams, difficulties….
I am swimming, to find something
I want.
Seeking something in the midst of chaos
Achieving nothing.
The thirst of quest, not allow to move back
What am I searching?
Do you know?
Like the full bloom crimson delonix
saved in the autumn wind,
I am penancing on the tip
of the dense peak, with frozen legs.
Failed in the search of something
Achieved Nothing
That is enough, for this insane bard.
The quest of something,
Sometimes nothing
Sometime everything
never end,
Never, Ever end at all.
About the Author
Ms. O. Alisha, working as Assistant Professor of English in Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for women, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram, Tamilnadu has a passion for writing poems. As an observer of the nature and the society, she is actively writing poems for the social cause.
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