Contemporary Literary Review India | eISSN 2394-6075 | Vol 3, No 1: CLRI February 2016

Kamal Nasri

Letter from a diary


To whom you write except those golden pages

They are blank and numb though they listen to your pain

Without hesitation they call to write about love and even long complain

Come and Nag with silent letters, cry and even release your pain

Let the loneliness and agony cast away in a vague propontis sea

Travel with your friends, feather and a pen on a white rail

Confess secrets and fears; with me you will feel nothing but sweet relief

Sigh and reveal your inner passion, take off every feeling of life disdain

Hatred mixed of love balanced on my pages, more than what a heart can ever contain

Extract your pain; banish every sorrowful sensation in your soul and veins

I’m a warden, I’m a shrink, and I’m a friend that makes free bargains with your speechless thoughts my dear

Meet me at the land of ink; fetch every tear to vanish in my sea,

To be exiled, forgotten, anonymous and even more to drain

Let us be one, and speak in unison, please let me share human tails

My age is only pages, I live them hushed listening to your every single detail

My consolation is a silent message from you, to tell your story and share your dreams

I will simply be forgotten after my age is drained

Live with memories of your smiles and often burdened with haunting tears

I will see when you fetch brand new, please don’t make it suffer and doom as me mate

Make it joyful; make it sparkle of every single smile and of your shining face of hopes and dreams

And thank you for giving me words that made my words finally go concrete

You disguised in my body, gave me life to tell my thoughts,

Eternal promise I made, listen to all what you say, mortal human being

Kamal Nasri is a doctoral student from Algeria and he loves writing poem.

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